Frequently Asked Questions

Is the EPICC Review Course accredited by the IBSC?

Yes! We received International Board of Specialty Certification (IBSC) accreditation for the EPICC Review Course on January 7th, 2019. Visit the IBSC’s website here.

Is FlightCrit CAPCE Accredited?

The short answer is not yet, however, we are working hard to meet the strict requirements for accreditation by CAPCE and have it as one of our strategic goals for 2019.

Can I use the hours from the EPICC Review Course to renew my paramedic license?

Yes. Once you complete the EPICC Review Course we will send you your Certificate of Completion and a link download the course outline. All you need to do then is submit that certificate, along with the course outline, to your Education Officer or whomever you have verify your education hours for approval.

Does FlightCrit offer an in person EPICC review course?

Yes! You can learn more about our onsite classes by visiting our Onsite Course Page. While there, you can fill out the Course Enquiry form to have one of our team members contact you about setting up a class for your department.